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SAB members (first row L to R) Rolf Tarrach, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Ignacio Cirac, and Peter Zoller, with ICFO leaders
SAB members (first row L to R) Rolf Tarrach, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Ignacio Cirac, and Peter Zoller, with ICFO leaders

ICFO Scientific Advisory Board

Strategic advice and support from leading scientists helps guide the institute

July 30, 2021

ICFO’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) brings together leading scientists from around the world who contribute to the strategy and high-level evaluation procedures accompanying research conducted at ICFO. The SAB is composed of internationally distinguished scientists, and advises ICFO’s Director and Board of Trustees on key matters concerning the scientific development of the Institute.

On July 29th and 30th, part of the ICFO SAB met at the institute and provided guidance and advice about strategic projects that the institute will undertake. They also assessed the progress made in the implementation of the strategic plan associated with the Severo Ochoa 2020-2023 Excellence grant awarded to ICFO by the Government of Spain. Researchers took advantage of the visit to share research being conducted in the labs and the SAB members also visited the new addition to ICFO’s facilities that will soon be completed in ICFO-W thanks to a philanthropic donation by Fundacio Privada Mir-Puig .

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions in place around the world, only a subgroup of the SAB was able to attend this particular meeting, therefore a new meeting of the full Board will take place as soon as COVID-19 permits.

The members of SAB that were able to attend the meeting and participate in the in-depth discussions are:

· Ignacio Cirac, Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, SAB Chair
· Anna Foncuberta I Morral, École Plytechnique Féderale de Lausanne
· Rolf Tarrach, University of Luxembourg
· Peter Zoller, University of Innsbruck